A how-to guide to design and develop your
For clinical programs:
View file name Clinical Build Map_Template.pptx For outreach programs: Outreach Build Map Template
For research interventions: Research Build Map Template Word Doc
For mapping out SMS conversations
Visual option: SMS Conversation Example
Text only option: Example SMS Conversation 2.docx
For open SMS inbox pilots: Open Inbox Requirements.docx
Big picture questions:
Develop an
event schedule for each arm of your study. For each
events these include:
On what day should the
event occur?
At what time should the
event start?
How long should the
event window stay open?
Should the
event repeat? If so, how many days, weeks?
Should there be
consequences (i.e. messages, compliance, etc.) based on
Case Example: 1-month physical activity study with daily lottery incentive for meeting goal of >10,000 steps and text weekly check ins
event outcome?
Things to consider for each event type
Send a Message
What day should the message be sent out?
What time should the message be sent out?
What is the body of the message?
How should the message be sent out?
Text only
Email only
Phone call only
Per participant notification preference
Is this a one-time message or is it repeating?
Repeating- by days or weeks? How many times should the message repeat?
Ask a question via text
What day should the question be sent out?
What time should the question be sent out?
What is the body of the question?
How long should the participant have to respond to the question?
What are the valid responses that the participant should send? (e.g. 1, 2, 3)
What are the automated responses based on the participant's text?
What message should you send back for a response of 1? 2? 3?
What message should you send back if the participant sends something other than a requested response (e.g. not 1-3)?
Is this a one-time question or is it repeating?
Repeating- by days or weeks? How many times should the question repeat?
Administer a survey
What day should the survey open?
What time should the survey open?
What is the message that should be sent to the participant alerting to survey opening?
How long should the participant have to respond to complete the survey?
What should happen once the participant completes the survey?
Message to participant
Should there be a reminder to the participant to complete the survey if they don't fill it out?
When should the reminders start?
What time should the reminder be sent?
What is the body of the reminder message?
How often should the reminders occur?
Collect device (scale, pedometer, pill bottle, etc.) data
What day should the data collection start?
Should data collection repeat? (Tip! Typically occurs daily)
Repeating- by days or weeks? How many times should the data collection repeat?
Should there be goals for the participant to meet?
Example 1: participant walked more than 7000 steps --> met goal
Example 2: participant weighed in under target weight --> met goal
Send a conditional message (a message sent based on a previous action taken by a participant)
What day should the conditional message be sent out?
What time should the conditional message be sent out?
What is the body of the message?
What previous event is the message looking at to determine what to send?
Example: Evaluate pedometer data from previous day
Participant met their step goal yesterday --> send 'Congrats on reaching your step goal!'
Participant did not meet their step goal yesterday --> send 'Try to meet your goal today!'
How should the message be sent out?
Text only
Email only
Phone call only
Per participant notification preference
Is this a one-time message or is it repeating?
Repeating- by days or weeks? How many times should the message repeat?
Run a lottery
What day should the lottery start?
What time should the lottery run?
What should the lottery look at to determine if the participant is eligible?
Example: Evaluate if participant met their step goal the day before. If yes --> eligible for winnings, if no --> ineligible for winnings
What are the price amounts?
Matching 1 digit?
Matching 2 digits?
What messages should be sent out to the participant for the 4 scenarios?
Tip! Include AMOUNT, YOUR_NUMBER, and WINNING_NUMBER variables to personalize
Eligible winner
Eligible loser
Ineligible winner
Ineligible loser
Should the lottery repeat? (Tip! Typically occurs daily)
Repeating- by days or weeks? How many times should the data lottery run?
Apply gamification
Should the participant gain or lose points for met/ unmet goals?
Example: daily medication adherence
add 1 point to point balance for each day that the participant takes their medication
Should the participant receive a message the next day about their medication adherence? Should the participant be told their running adherence score?
Should the participant move up or down levels for consistently met/ unmet goals?
Example: weekly medication adherence
If participant has 5-7 points at the end of the week, move up a level
If participant has 0-4 points at the end of the week, move down a level
Send the participant a message alerting to level
Should the point balance reset?
Example: at the end of the week, set the medication adherence point balance to 0
Want an example?! See below!
1-month physical activity study
Welcome to study message
Start: Day 0
As soon as the participant is started in the arm
PARTICIPANT, welcome to the
game study! You will start every week with 60 points. For each day that you meet your target, you will keep 10 points. At the end of the week, if you have more than 50 points or more, you will move up a level. If you have less than 40 points, you will drop down a level.
Repeat: no
Daily step count from Fitbit
Start: Day 0
As soon as the participant is started in the arm
Length of window:
All day
Repeat: daily- every 1 day, 30 times
Compliance: If participant walks >
target steps, mark as
. Otherwise, subtract 10 from their point balance.
Exercise tip #1
Start: Day 3
Time: 9 am
Message: Exercise tip #1: Use a buddy system! Find a friend or relative who also wants to establish a healthier lifestyle and keep each other accountable to goals.
Support partner messaging
Start: Day
11 am
daily- every 1
27 times
Feedback: If participant has met their step goal at least 1 of the last 3 days, mark them as compliant. Otherwise send message to support partner.
PARTICIPANT_FIRSTNAME has not met their step count goal on at least 1 of the last 3 days. Please reach out to them to provide some encouragement!
Weekly level message
Start: Day 7
Time: 10 am
If participant has 50 or more points, the participant will be sent a message and move up a level. The point balance will reset to 70 points.
Otherwise the participant will be sent a different message and move down a level. The point balance will reset to 70 points.
- participant: We are glad to hear that you are meeting your step goals! Keep up the great work!
- participant: Thank you for your response. We will reach out to you for assistance within one business day.
- study team: Participant needs help meeting goals. Reach out for assistance.
Start: Day 15
Time: 11 am
If participant has 50 or more points: You ended the week with (Game Points) points and met your goals! You are not at the (Levels) level.
If participant has less than 50 points: Unfortunately, you ended the week with (Game Points) points and did not meet your goals. You are not at the (Levels) level.
Midpoint survey
Start: Day 15
Time: 10 am
Message Prompt: Hi PARTICIPANT, please click the following link to complete the mid-point demo survey! You have until END_DATE to complete the survey.
Length of Time to Complete: 14 days
Repeat: no
Feedback: If the event is completed, the participant will be credited $50.
Mid point survey reminder
Start: Day 18
Length of window: immediately close out
Repeat: daily- every 2 days, 3 times
10 am
Message: Please rememeber to log into the Fitbit study to complete your mid-point survey!
Repeat: daily- every 2 days, 3 times
Only send reminder to those who haven't completed the survey