You can view and enroll patients in Way to Health programs directly through our PennChart integration. To configure your program to enroll via the Epic embed, go to Turn on enrollment via the PennChart (Epic) embed.
In this guide you will learn to:
Note: When you re-enroll a participant to the program, their start date will update to the new-enrollment date. If the program has a scheduled start date, their status will update to Ready and if the program has an auto start date, their status will update to Started.
3. Once you click ENROLL, you will confirm the patient’s contact information.
The contact information will pull from the patient's PennChart record. Please note that if you update contact information here, it will only update on their Way to Health profile, not their contact information listed in their patient chart. Note: There are certain fields that do not show up in this modal, but are automatically being saved to the patient’s W2H profile upon creation. This includes their first and last name, as well as their legal first name if it exists in PennChart. (Legal first name will only show as a field in W2H if the program has it configured as an optional or required field.)
4. Click ENROLL and the participant will begin the enrollment process in the Way to Health program. You will see a green banner at the top of the Way to Health view confirming that the patient was enrolled.
5. If your intervention is set up to have a scheduled start date set upon enrollment, you will navigate to the Enrollment tab and choose the start date from the date picker. If it is set to auto start, the new re-enrollment date will re-trigger the events based on the new date.
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Patient Program Profile
View contact information and edit it as necessary. Please remember, if you update contact information in the Way to Health view, it will only update for Way to Health communication for that program, and not on the patient's chart.
Alerts and Adherence/Data Snapshot
View a snapshot of a participants adherence (or data) to the Way to Health protocol. This can come in the form of incoming data from a device, or patient reported data via SMS. In the example below, the patient is sending in blood pressure readings through text message.
SMS Inbox
View and send SMS messages to the patient.
Flowsheet Data
View all data that is set up to be sent from Way to Health into a flowsheet in PennChart.
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