Event Blocks can be rescheduled manually or by the system when new data comes in. Rescheduled Event Blocks can cause changes to participants' event schedules.
Manually rescheduled Event Blocks will update all events within the block to their new dates and can cause one of the following:
If the Event Block is being moved into the future:
Any Completed/Compliant/Skipped events will remain that way and logic won’t run on those events.
Any future event will run logic as normal.
If the Event Block is being moved into the past:
Any Completed/Compliant/Skipped events will remain that way and logic won’t run on those events.
Any future events will be marked as Skipped and logic will not run on those events.
New data that comes in can cause the system to reschedule Event Blocks based on the Event Block settings. When that happens:
The Event Block will update the date to match the new date.
All events in the block will be reopened and evaluated based on the new date.
Any event in the past will be marked ask Skipped and will not run any logic.
Any event in the future will run logic as normal.
Scheduling Events with Dates from the Past
When creating events within an Event Block, there is a setting to determine what happens to the event if the date of the Event Block is in the past.
For non-windowed events:
If the event is configured to be skipped, it will get marked as Skipped and logic/messaging will not run on the event.
If the event is configured to be scheduled immediately, it will be completed and logic/messaging will run as soon as the date for the Event Block comes into W2H.
For windowed events:
If the event is configured to be skipped, it will get marked as Skipped and logic/messaging will not run on the event.
If the event is configured to be scheduled immediately, it will be completed and logic/messaging will run as soon as the date for the Event Block comes into W2H. The window on the event will match the original window and the start/end times will adjust based on when the event is scheduled.