(lightbulb) To start developing your intervention, you have to outline your protocol. 


Female Arm Intervention Design (30 day intervention) 

Female Arm Schedule 

  1. Welcome message
    1. EventType: Send a message
    2. Start: Day 0
    3. Time: 12 am (as soon as the participant is started in the arm)
    4. Message:  PARTICIPANT, welcome to the Way to Weight Loss study! Thank you for enrolling. 

  2. Daily weigh in 
    1. Event Type: Collect Data
    2. Device Type: Nokia Scale
    3. Start: Day 0
    4. Time: 12 am (as soon as the participant is started in the arm)
    5. Length of window: 12 am - 11:59 pm (all day)
    6. Repeat: daily- every 1 day, 30 times 

  3. Study level weight loss alert to project team 
    1. Delta alert generator 
      1. Source: Nokia scale 
      2. Admin message: participant lost more than 5 lbs in 3 days
      3. Value compare: weight
      4. Threshold: 5 
      5. Lookback period start: 3
      6. Lookback period end: 0
      7. Direction: decrease 

  4. Daily weight feedback
    1. Event Type: Add Logic 
    2. Start: Day 1
    3. Time: 10 am 
    4. Repeat: daily- every 1 day, 30 times 
    5. Message:
      1. weighed in yesterday: PARTICIPANT_FIRSTNAME, congratulations on weighing in yesterday! Keep up the great work! 
      2. did not weigh in yesterday: PARTICIPANT_FIRSTNAME, It appears that you did not weigh in yesterday.  Remember to weigh in today to get back on track! 

  5. Motivational text #1
    1. Event Type: Send a message 
    2. Start: Day 3
    3. Time: 12 pm 
    4. Message:Did you know that women tend to lose more weight with a weight loss partner? Find a partner to keep each other on track! 

  6. Nutrition question and response  
    1. Event Type: Collect Data
    2. Device Type: bi-directional SMS
    3. Participant Message: Good afternoon PARTICIPANT_FIRSTNAME, how many servings of fruit did you eat yesterday? Please send back response 0-8.
    4. Start: Day 3
    5. Time: 11 am
    6. Length of window: 11 am - 11:59 pm
    7. Feedback:
      1. if participant texts back '0-2' send: Thank you for letting us know.  Try to eat one more today!
      2. if participant texts back '3-8' send: Awesome job, keep up the great work! 
      3. if participant texts back invalid formatted text: We didn't understand your response, please text back '0-8'

  7. Motivational text #2 
    1. Event Type: Send a Conditional Message
    2. Survey: Screening Survey
      1. if participant selected 'yes' to delivering pizzas in screening survey' 
    3. Start: Day 15
    4. Time: 11 am
    5. Message: When you are not out on delivery, try to get in as many steps as possible.  Every step counts! 

  8. End of Study Survey 
    1. Event Type: Administer a Qualtrics Survey 

    2. Start: Day 30

    3. Time: 11 am 

    4. Length of window: 14 days 
    5. Repeat: never
    6. Message: Hi PARTICIPANT, today is your last day in the Way to Weight Loss Study! Please click the following link to complete the survey! You have until END_DATE. SURVEY_LINK

    7. Feedback:

      1. If participant completes the survey, send message: Thank you for completing the Way to Weight Loss Study survey! 

  9. End of Study Survey Reminder 
    1. Event Type: Send a conditional Message

    2. Start: Day 33

    3. Time: 11 am 

    4. Repeat: daily- every 2 days, 3 times 

    5. Feedback: if participant completes the survey then don't send reminder, otherwise send reminder 

    6. Message: Please remember to complete the Way to Weight Loss Study survey! 

Now that you have designed and mapped our your arm schedule, you are ready to build in Way to Health! 

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