You have the ability to edit or customize many aspects of the study and enrollment experience! From the Enrollment tab, you can create and edit all of the events that occur as part of the enrollment process. As you can see, some steps are already pre-configured and hard-coded. 

The sequencing of many of the enrollment events can be controlled by the study team, others such as Randomization and Standby occur at the same point across all Way to Health studies.

Adding Enrollment Steps

It's as easy as a click of a button! Use '+Add Enrollment Step' button at the top of the screen to add enrollment steps:




Device Authorization (Fitbit, Misfit, iHealth, Nokia and Moves App):

Device Upload

Pause Enrollment

Enrollment Block

Arm Specific Enrollment Steps

  1. Add new arms by clicking 'Study Arms' in the Manage Study drop down. Once the arms are added, they will appear at the 'Arm-specific steps' drop down list. 

  2. Click into each arm to add the new enrollment step. 
    1. For example, add an authorization step and/or a run-in period for participants randomized to the device arm. 

  3. Additional arm specific enrollment options? 

    1. Lottery Number Selection - allows participants randomized to a lottery arm to select their own lottery number from the participant portal. 

    2. Partner Linkage - ensures that participants randomized to an arm with support partners, have the support partner section of their profile filled out prior to starting in the study.