Sleep 'Collect Data' Event

Why is a sleep 'Collect Data' event different than a pedometer, pill bottle, or scale set up?

A sleep device is unique in that the event window for capturing sleep data is different than other devices.  For a device like a Fitbit, the event window will be all day from 12 am -11:59 pm.  However, if you think about the typical time that a participant will sleep, it won't be all day and then start over at midnight.  Instead part of their sleep time will begin on day 0 and the rest of the sleep will end in the morning of day 1.  This is why we need to set up the event window differently than other devices.  

How do I set up a 'Collect Data' event for a sleep device? 

  1. After you add your device to the study, select 'Study Arms' from the Manage Study drop-down list. Then select 'Manage Event Schedule' for the arm where you want to add the 'Collect Data' event.  
    1. (warning) Not sure how to add a device? See 'Collect Data' Event for instructions.

  2. Click the blue 'Add New event' button and select 'Collect Data' as the event type. The devices can be viewed by navigating to the Devices section in Manage Study.

  3. Select the device from the options in the drop-down list. This will auto-populate all of the devices that you have set up in Way to Health.  Choose your sleep device. 

  4. Name the event. 

  5. Choose the day when the event should start and the event window.  The event window is the time that the participant has to complete sync their sleep device.  
    1. (lightbulb) Tip! For sleep 'Collect Data' events, typically, participants are asked to start syncing their devices on Day 0 or Day 1 and they have the entire day to do so. HOWEVER, as noted above, the window for sleep is different than the window for a typical device.  Therefore it is suggested setting up the window as seen in the screenshot below to capture the sleep data on Day 0 starting at 3 pm and ending on Day 1 at 2:59 pm. 

  6. Indicate how many times the event should repeat. 
    1. (lightbulb)Tip! For sleep device upload events, typically, participants are asked to sync their device every day for the entire duration of the study. 

  7. For daily data collection, typically you don't want to send a message on the Collect Data event itself since it will occur at the frequency selected. 
    1. (lightbulb) Tip! To inform the participant that they should sync their Fitbit or weigh in on their scale every day, create a 'Send a Message' event with instructions or welcome to study message.

  8. Often times studies will just passively collect sleep data.  If that is the case for your study, you are done! Click the blue 'Add' button. If you want to set up a compliance logic or send the participant a message on how they slept, you are ready to do so.  Click the 'Save and Define Logic' button. 

  9. Inside the 'Collect Data' logic, name the Logic Set and then select 'This event's data'. 

  10. Choose the device field (i.e total_sleep_duration) and the operator (i.e >).  Then select either amount or target.
    1. Amount: a set number for all study participants. For example, 7 hours
    2. Target: an individualized sleep goal for each study participant 
      1. (warning) Note: In order to use a target for compliance, a target generator must be set up from the 'Target Configurations' page.  See Targets for guidance. 

  11. Click 'Select Action' and select ' Mark as compliant'.  You can also send a participant a message about their sleep from the previous night.  For a non-sleep device we suggest doing this as an 'Add Logic' event since the message will go as soon as the event closes, but one benefit of a sleep device upload is that the event closes at 11:59 AM so sending the participant a message at noon is ok! Once you add 'Message' as a consequence, click the blue 'Save Feedback' at the bottom of the page.

  12. You can also send a participant a message about their sleep from the previous night.  For a non-sleep device, we suggest doing this as an 'Add Logic' event since the message will go as soon as the event closes, but one benefit of a sleep device upload is that the event closes at 2:59 PM so sending the participant a message at noon is ok! Once you add 'Message' as a consequence, click the blue 'Save Feedback' at the bottom of the page.

  13. (plus) Do your participants have customized sleep targets? If you want to relay the participant's target to them in the daily message (i.e. 'You only slept X hours yesterday and your goal was Y hours.  Try harder today!') then you should use your defined Custom Variables.  

  14. Create a new Logic Set and repeat steps 10-12 for 'unmet sleep goal'