Numeric Question Type

Numeric Question Type

The numeric input question type is an IVR specific question type. This question allows for any number input as well as numbers specified above, below or within a numeric range.

Here are the following options that will get most widely used:

The Input type is set to Number by default. This is the only option in the list. When set to number, the surveyjs-service will check and see if there are any bounds set. The bounds are determined by the Min and Max fields. These fields are inclusive.

Setting Min and Max values has the following impact on how the caller’s response is interpreted.

  • If neither are set, any number will be accepted

  • If both are set, any number within the Min and Max values will be accepted

  • If only Min is set, then any number greater than or equal to will be accepted

  • If only Max is set, then any number less than or equal to will be accepted

There is also configurations for Validation:

The caller will always get a generic Response is out of bounds. message, regardless if these options are set or not. It may be worth it to consider implementing the use of these fields at a later date.

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