Auto-populated Variables
Way to Health has a collection of variables that are automatically created from information in the participant profile. These variables are available for use in any of the messaging, including text messages, incidents and keyword responses. They can be helpful in personalizing messaging or adding necessary information.
Available variables
The following variables are available:
Start date
End date
Start time
End time
Encounter ID
Event ID
Payment amount
Participant ID
Participant first name, last name, last name initial
Participant email address
Participant date of birth
Participant cell phone, home phone, work phone
Participant street address, city, state, postal code
Participant time zone
Participant language preference
Profile additional info
Inbox link
The auto-populated variables will appear under the message text box for use. Simply copy and insert the variables in your messaging.
They can help personalize your out-bound messaging. In this example, the receiver will receive the message with their name and address information.
They can provide context and relevant information to the incident alerts. In this example, an incident will be created with the participant ID, a link to their SMS inbox and their cell phone.