Way to Health User Guide

Welcome to the Way to Health User Guide! 

The Way to Health Team has created a comprehensive user guide that provides a step-by-step manual for building within the platform, an outline of key features and frequently asked questions.

← You can access the user guide by navigating through the page tree on the left. 

The user guide is organized by program status and platform features. You can explore the topics by expanding the headers and navigating through the subtopics or by using the search function by clicking the magnifying glass in the top left corner. 

User Guide or Build Guide?

As of July 2022, we have separated out our public documentation into two spaces:

  1. This User Guide, targeted to day-to-day users managing their patients in Way to Health as well as to

  2. The https://waytohealth.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BG, targeted to power users building Way to Health programs. If you’re looking for documentation on how to build, check out that guide instead.

We will be doing more cleanup of the user guide in the coming weeks. Apologies if some pages aren’t where you expect them to be - please let us know (via email or support desk ticket) if you have any feedback!

Useful links





Help Desk

Please use our help desk to report all platform issues, questions and feature suggestions. 

Way to Health Production

Access the Way to Health platform via this link to manage your live intervention. 

Frequently Asked Questions

This link takes you to Way to Health's FAQ page for commonly asked questions.