Gamification and Achievements
Gamification and Achievements
This document demonstrates how to set up a game experience for participants in Way to Health.
- You must first set up an achievement:
- an achievement represents anything a participant may win or lose, like points
- you can find this on the arm editing page:
There are three types of achievements:- Points balance: points that may be won or lost by an individual participant or cohort
- Levels: a set of pre-defined levels that an individual participant or cohort may move up or down
- Lifeline: the number of times a participant may use a lifeline
Each achievement type has a corresponding participant dashboard card.
- Once an achievement has been created it can be effected by feedback consequences on any encounter
Or feedback may be applied against the achievement using "specify criteria." - Feedback can also be used to enable game actions like the lifeline on a participants dashboard
- You can also use the Game feedback encounter to evaluate the game ledger at anytime
- Additionally you can use this encounter to select a team representative. This is useful for achievements owned by a cohort.
- Note: if you apply feedback to a cohort owned achievement without specifying team representative criteria, every participant in the cohort will effect the achievement.
- Team representative criteria are only available if cohorts are enabled for the arm.
- You can download the game ledger and team cohort reports to see ongoing game information.
- You can also create lottery prizes from the current value of an achievement, just select the achievement you would like to use and leave the amount field blank
You can also credit a participant's account using the "Credit from a point balance" feedback consequence