Blog from August, 2017

Special Release: New Event Creation (August 16, 2017)

Release Date: August 16, 2017

Out with the Old, in with the New!

Building interventions on Way to Health has never been so easy! The Way to Health Team is pleased to introduce a new, streamlined way of creating events for your intervention.

Say goodbye to "Roundups", "Survey Lookbacks" and other Way to Health jargon and say hello to action-based event creation. Simply tell the platform what you want to do:

Attention Way to Health Veterans

Are you working on a study or clinical project that's already been built in the old way? Don't panic! We've got you covered.

Check out our helpful guide for Encounters to Events - How to Do It Now? This guide provides a detailed explanation of changes from the old way of creating encounters to the new way of creating events.

Support Corner

For full instructions on setting up the intervention portion of your study or clinical project, check out Events by Type in the User Guide.

More of a visual learner? Take a tour of Easier Event Building.

Release Notes - August 10, 2017


  • No more waiting for the perfect day: Schedule participant start dates in the future
  • Cleaning out your inbox never felt so good
  • Send messaging and notifications to specific users rather than by user role
  • Never authorize the same device twice
  • Keep your patients hydrated with our most recent device integration

Platform-wide updates

Scheduled Start Dates

Do you have a protocol that involves scheduling participants on a specific day? Forget about setting reminders, you can now schedule ahead! You'll see new options available on the Arm setup for Manual Start, Auto Start, and Scheduled Start. 

Working with Penn Medicine patients? You can also pair this feature with our discharge finder to schedule a start date based on discharge date!  A how-to guide will be available next week.

Inbox Enhancements

Many projects rely on the inbox view to review text messaging interactions with participants. We've gotten rid of all the pesky extras in the view (like daily device uploads), and cleaned it out so all you see is text messaging conversations.

Send feedback and staff messages to specific users

Feedback and staff messages could always be configured to send to user roles (e.g. Research Coordinators and Project Managers). Now you can select specific users. You'll see all users associated with your project in the drop-down list on the Feedback screen when sending a message.

Updates to device authorization

If you use any of our integrated devices (e.g. Fitbit pedometer, Nokia wireless scale) that require an authorization step, you can be rest assured you won't accidentally authorize the wrong device. This is particularly important if you are working on the same laptop or tablet when enrolling and authorizing devices for multiple participants. The new feature automatically removes saved credentials from the last authorization.

New profile field available to send in feedback messaging

When you are sending a message to a participant, you can now include information stored on the participant profile in the Additional Info field. This means you can use this field to store a specific type of data such as medication names. Then you can populate feedback messaging for each participant with a tailored message such as "Hi John, it's time to take your water pill."

The variable is available under feedback messages as PROFILE_ADDITIONAL_INFO.

New "Resources" dashboard card for Participant Portal

Use the new Resources dashboard card to add custom text, PDF files, images and links. For a full list of standard dashboard options, check out the /wiki/spaces/PD/pages/21496323

Add more information to incidents when participants text outside of scheduled events

If you want to receive a notification when participants text outside of schedule text events, you can update the device configuration with a custom message. Now you can also add the participant's first name, last initial and a direct link to their inbox.

Ability to silence feedback messages without pausing all logic

Via the participant profile, you can set logic preferences (previously named feedback preferences) to Active, Paused, Disabled and Silence Messages. The Silence Messages options is new and allows you to stop sending feedback messages, while still allowing other logic (such as awarding points or adding money to the virtual account) to process. A detailed explanation of each option is available in-platform.

New Qualtrics Data Dictionary report

The new Qualtrics Data Dictionary report includes mapping of survey questions to the question codes (viewable as column headers in reports), and decoded responses (e.g. 1 = Yes, 2 = No). 

Faster loading time of Manage Participants page

If you are using the Adherence Snapshot, you might have noticed that the page has been a little sluggish. We've made some coding tweaks to cut page loading time in half.

Using the averager to define "days" for sleep data

We've add a new sum column to the average device which will allow you to view the sum of sleep periods between two days. This is important since most of us fall asleep in one day and wake up in the next! 

This feature is only needed if you are creating logic off of sleep data, not if you are passively collecting it as a secondary outcome.

Clarity on Support Partner status

We've added some helpful text to give you guidance on the status of a participant's support partner. These statuses can be found in the Support Partner section of the participant's profile.

New Device Integrations

Way to Health is now fully integrated with HidrateSpark's smart water bottle. This water bottle helps patients track fluid intake.


Way to Health is getting a makeover! Our team of designers and engineers are working their magic to deliver you a new and improved Way to Health experience. Stay tuned for the full release in September!

Project-Specific updates

  • A custom dashboard card was developed for the U-REAACT study
  • Custom changes were made to the EMPOWER study's Adherence Snapshot to help them better track out of range weights for their participants.

Iterations: 6/8/17 - 8/3/17