Blog from August, 2021

August 23, 2021

Optimizing W2H Epic Embed

We’ve talked to our clinical users and have been focusing our efforts to redesign the Way to Health (W2H) Epic Embed to be more streamlined. The new design makes viewing a patient enrolled in a W2H program easier and optimizes the experience for the clinician. Here are some changes you can expect to see:

Intuitive Layout

Main programs page will highlight relevant patient programs.

Clicking on the W2H embed will now bring up a list of programs that the patient is either currently enrolled in OR has been previously enrolled in.

You can scroll down to find a list of additional programs that you could enroll the patient into.

View patient’s details in a single program at a time.

All program specific information is now summarized in a single tab - no more clicking around across multiple tabs to get to the information you need.

Organize program sections based on relevance. 

Within a single program page, you’ll be able to see sections for different components of the program. We’ve created smart ordering so these sections change order depending on relevance.

For example, if your program is using an adherence snapshot to view patient data on a high-level, you’ll see that at the top of the page for quick access. 

Easier Access

Unenroll or re-enroll a patient directly from the main programs page.

On the main programs page, you’ll still be able to un-enroll and re-enroll patients from a program. This will be available at the top of the page so you won’t have to scroll anymore.


Favorite programs you want to jump directly for any patient.

If there’s a program you are managing and always want to jump to that program, hover over the row and a star icon will show up. Clicking on that icon makes that program a “Favorite” and will be bumped to the top of the list. Additionally, whenever you open the W2H Embed, you’ll jump directly to that program’s tab for every patient.


Improved Enrollment

Allow patient enrollment to use voice-over-internet numbers.

During enrollment, W2H confirms in the backend the cell phone entered is a valid mobile number to ensure the patient will receive texts. We found that not all patients have a mobile number or cell phone plan and use texting apps to receive texts. To improve access, we adjusted the backend algorithm so patients with texting apps can enroll with the app number.

Order enrollment fields based on priority.

Now you can order the enrollment fields for a program by priority or based on what makes sense for the program.The default option was to show fields in alphabetical order which often doesn’t make sense.

For example

  1. Enroll in ERAS/P

  2. Location

  3. Enroll in Ostomy Output

  4. Surgery Date.

This layout isn’t intuitive. Now we can make adjustments so the order is:

  1. Location

  2. Surgery Date

  3. Enroll in ERAS/P

  4. Enroll Ostomy Output.

If you would like to change the order of enrollment fields for your program, please contact your W2H implementation lead with the ideal order.


Other Changes

Setting in W2H to automatically send patient data to flowsheets.

Instead of having to check through patient data and push a button to send it to Epic flowsheets, we can now programmatically send the data to Penn Chart. If this setting is something you’d like to implement for your program, please contact your W2H implementation lead.

Improved landing page for easier access.

If you haven’t used the W2H Embed or are a first-time user, you can now get access by simply clicking “Get Access”.

July 30, 2021

Focus on scaling and performance.

From the very beginning of the COVID pandemic, Way to Health (W2H) has worked with Penn Medicine to implement numerous remote-monitoring programs across the health system. In implementing these programs, we scaled the number of people enrolled in a W2H program exponentially - going from ~70,000 to ~875,000 participant accounts in one year. This was a massive accomplishment for W2H, but it also meant that we needed to scale the platform to accommodate the change in user volume. Therefore, we focused our efforts in July 2021 on improving W2H performance at scale.

The most impactful change we made was the incorporation of Scout APM to help us troubleshoot slow pages and backend operations. We were able to identify areas in W2H that needed improvements, and map out which issues to focus on for the month. Many of these performance improvements helped us speed up user access to data-heavy pages in W2H, as well as increase the speed at which data is processed in our queues. We plan to continue using Scout APM to monitor W2H’s performance, and to make further improvements as needed.

Below is a summary of the enhancement work and bug fixes completed in July 2021.


  • Performance

    • Implement Scout APM for the platform

    • Scale start-events task to be able to process multiple events in parallel

    • Web performance: fewer queries for navigation

    • Web performance: device stats

    • Web performance: inbound twilio webhook

    • Web performance: payment feed

    • Web performance: Allow easier MRN filtering for API requests

    • Improve manage data and settings performance

    • Split out Fitbit processing into more than 2 queues

  • Integrations

    • TrueMotion (Way to Drive) - Enrollment, Unenrollment and data connection established

    • Add subscription to make data syncing from Omron blood pressure cuff faster

    • Updated Withings connector to use new endpoints

  • Enrollment:

    • Relax password strictness on ppt portal

    • Update participant’s profile based on survey responses

  • Misc

    • Message metadata in inbox should show timestamp with seconds

    • Participant Data variables can be displayed in text if failed to evaluate

Bug fixes

  • Device Authorization enrollment step broken

  • Survey links in portal don’t translate

  • ClinCard payment failures aren’t generating software incidents

  • Rating questions not serializing correctly

  • Event calendar broken on participant view

  • Epic status filter not working on Manage Data

  • Leaderboard variable does not store it’s value in the variable ledger

  • Logic sets don’t properly display conditions when data source changed

  • Event overview display for lotteries

  • No clarification for invalid usernames during account creation