A how-to guide to design and develop your arm schedule template
Things to consider:
Develop an encounter schedule for each arm of your study. For each encounter these include:
On what day should the encounter occur?
- At what time should the encounter start?
- How long should the encounter window stay open?
- Should the encounter repeat? If so, how many days, weeks?
- Should there be feedback (i.e. messages, compliance, etc.) based on encounter outcome?
Case Example: 1-month physical activity study with daily lottery incentive for meeting goal of >10,000 steps and text weekly check ins
- Welcome to study message
- Start: Day 0
- Time: 12 am (as soon as the participant is started in the arm)
- Repeat: never
- Message: PARTICIPANT, welcome to the Fitbit study! Thank you for enrolling.
- Daily step count from Fitbit
- Start: Day 0
- Time: 12 am (as soon as the participant is started in the arm)
- Length of window: 12 am - 11:59 pm (all day)
- Repeat: daily- every 1 day, 30 times
- Compliance: If participant walks > 10,000 steps, mark as compliant
- Daily lottery
- Start: Day 1
- Time: 11 am
- Repeat: daily- every 1 day, 30 times
- Feedback: if participant was compliant the previous day (i.e. met their step goal), then make them eligible for the lottery
- Message:
- eligible winner: You met your step goal yesterday and won AMOUNT in the lottery!
- eligible loser: You met your step goal yesterday, but did not win the lottery this time. Keep up the good work!
- ineligible winner: Had you met your step goal, you would have won AMOUNT in the lottery.
- ineligible loser: Had you met your step goal, you would not have won the lottery this time.
- Exercise tip #1
- Start: Day 3
- Time: 9 am
- Repeat: never
- Message: Exercise tip #1: Use a buddy system! Find a friend or relative who also wants to establish a healthier lifestyle and keep each other accountable to goals.
- Weekly check in text
- Start: Day 7
- Time: 10 am
- Repeat: weekly- every 1 week, 4 times
- Message:Hi PARTICIPANT_FIRSTNAME, do you need help meeting your step goals? Text back yes or no.
- Weekly check in text response
- Start: Day 7
- Time: 10 am
- Length of window: 10 am - 11:59 pm
- Repeat: weekly- every 1 week, 4 times
- Message:
- if participant texts back 'no':
- participant: We are glad to hear that you are meeting your step goals! Keep up the great work!
- if participant texts back 'yes':
- participant: Thank you for your response. We will reach out to you for assistance within one business day.
- study team: Participant needs help meeting goals. Reach out for assistance.
- if participant texts back invalid formatted text:
- participant: We didn't understand your response, please text back 'yes' or 'no'.
- if participant texts back 'no':
- Mid point survey
Start: Day 15
Time: 11 am
- Length of window: 14 days
- Repeat: never
- Feedback: if participant completes the survey, pay out $50
Message:Hi PARTICIPANT, please click the following link to complete the mid-point survey! You have until END_DATE to complete the survey. SURVEY_LINK
Mid point survey reminder
Start: Day 18
Time: 11 am
Repeat: daily- every 2 days, 3 times
Feedback: if participant completes the survey then don't send reminder, otherwise send reminder
Message: Please rememeber to log into the Fitbit study to complete your mid-point survey!