Blog from July, 2018

July 31, 2018


  • Show a Little Emotion: Emojis in WTH! (smile)
  • New User Role: Site Coordinator 
  • Say No to Notifications
  • Add Logic to Auto-Finish Participants
  • Complete Enrollment Blocks Early
  • SMS Inbox Now Sends Texts Only 
  • Additional Participant Filter in Manage Data

Platform-Wide Updates

Show a Little Emotion: Emojis in WTH! (smile)

You now have the capability to send and receive emojis to and from participants! There is an emoji keyboard on all message boxes. We are jumping for joy! 

New User Role: Site Coordinator

The role of site coordinator is a limited version of the research coordinator role. A core difference is that they do not have access to study settings. Here's a brief overview of the new role:

A site coordinator can:

  • Add/assign providers and other site coordinators 
    • If the site coordinator has an access group, they can only invite other users into those access groups
    • Can not remove users from access groups
  • Create, manage and view participant data in their access group
  • Pause/disable feedback on individual participants
  • Can create and edit notification groups
  • Download reports

A site coordinator can not: 

  • Add or edit study setup such as surveys, events, or enrollment steps
  • Edit the user record of project managers or research coordinators

Check out our user guide for a detailed list of Way to Health Roles and Permissions.

Say No to Notifications

Users can now choose to receive NO incident notifications. A new incident recipient group "No Notifications" will now appear on your personnel page.  

Add Logic to Auto-Finish Participants

Automatically mark participants as finished. In your event schedule you can now choose a time to automatically finish participants which will protect the participants from receiving further messaging once the intervention is complete. 

Complete Enrollment Blocks Early

If you have an enrollment block scheduled for a participant but would like to allow the participant to complete the step earlier then the last day of the scheduled time frame, you can now easily schedule an enrollment block to "complete enrollment block early" when a participant has met certain requirements. This will allow for the participants to move forward through enrollment. A perfect example is a baseline period where participants are getting used to using wearing a pedometer while in the hospital. Each participant has a different length of stay and the study wants to start them as soon as they are discharged. Using this feature, the research coordinator simply fills out a survey and it will push the participant through to the next enrollment step or study start. Ask us for help if you are interested in setting this up!

SMS Inbox Now Sends Texts Only 

Previously, the SMS inbox would send messages to users based on their communication preference, but that's a little confusing! Now, the SMS inbox will only send texts even if the participants communication reference is email. You can still send notifications per participant preferences by clicking the "Send Notification" button on the participant's profile.

Additional Participant Filter in Manage Data

In manage data, we added the filter "participant status" to provide the option to view participants based on their status in the intervention.

Internal Updates

Twilio Reconciliation Report

We use this super awesome program called Twilio to send our text messages. We have created a automated report on the back end for reporting purposes that tracks the monthly Twilio charges that each study incurs. 

July 10, 2018


  • No More Timing Out When Building Surveys
  • Upgraded Survey Mobile View 
  • New Name, Same Great Survey Builder
  • Scheduled Start Date Column
  • New Notification When Adding Events After Study Start

Platform-Wide Updates

No More Timing Out When Building Surveys
Picture this. You are working long and hard to build a long and complex survey, only to have WTH time out on you after 30 minutes of what it thought was inactivity. (Oh the horror!) We've upgraded our survey builder to recognize activity within the builder itself, so it will no longer time out on you and make you want to punch a unicorn. (Unicorns across America are thanking us)

Upgraded Survey Mobile View
Using WTH's survey builder just got better! The survey view on mobile phones now has bigger buttons, making it easier for users to choose the correct answer.

New Name, Same Great Survey Builder
We made a tiny change to the title of internal study surveys in the drop down. It used to be called "internal survey" but it's becoming our main squeeze in terms of survey builders (sorry Qualtrics), so we are just calling it plain old "survey or form."

Scheduled Start Date Column 
We added the participant's scheduled start date to the Participants view. It used to only show actual start date. This will allow you to see when a participant is scheduled to start at a glance, without having to click into their profile! 
New Notification When Adding Events After Study Start
If you add a new event after participants have started in the study, WTH will automatically send out messaging for all days the participant has passed in the intervention. That means, potential spamming your participants (oh no!). WTH now has a new safeguard that notifies you if you go to add an event on an already started study. Still need to add the new event? No problem, here's a trick of the trade: To avoid "spamming" participants, you can disable messaging on an individual participant or study-wide level when you add an event that will be applied to participants retroactively. 

Internal Updates

  • There was a bug that prevented the creation of proper event windows for participants from different time zones (outside of EST). We fixed that!
  • We also did some developer stuff, like refactoring the filesystem operations on persistent data to use an abstraction library.
  • We accidentally names the "external ID" field "external" on the advanced settings page, we have updated that to be "external ID."