Blog from June, 2019

July 3, 2019

Highlights (7.0)

  • Personalized Setting for Default Tab in Participant Profile

  • NEW⭐ Participant Messaging

    • Text Message Conversations

    • Conversation Branching Logic

    • Keyword Responses

    • Business Hours, Nights and Weekends Scheduling

    • Variables in Conversations

Platform-Wide Updates

This new feature can’t be overlooked…

Personalized Setting for Default Tab in Participant Profile

When you navigate into a participant’s profile, you automatically land on the participant’s general info page. This page is a good overview of some participant information, but isn’t likely used often in the day-to-day management of your participants. So we decided to put the option in your hands, you can now choose which tab will default to open when navigating to a participant’s profile! For example, If you are mostly monitoring a participant’s inbox, you can choose the sms inbox tab to be your default. This means, every time you navigate to a participant’s profile, that will be the tab that opens!

How can you utilize this feature? Go to your profile settings by logging into W2H and clicking your name in the top right corner. Here you can choose your default tab in the participant profile!

Okay, on to the SUPER cool stuff…

NEW Participant Messaging

W2H now has text message conversations! What does this mean? Well, in the past, we had bidirectional text, but could really only ask one question and get one response. Well now, we can have conversations over text with branching logic based on participant responses! You could have a conversation asking your participants 50 consecutive questions if you wanted… but that might be a little too much.

Text conversations will be built like a survey, with questions types of: free text, multiple choice or yes/no. With participant responses that are defined, like multiple choice and yes/no, you will be able to build different branches of questions based on a participant’s response.

You will be able to schedule these structured conversations OR you can trigger a conversation based on a participant texting in a certain keyword. How do triggers work? Well, say a participant texts in “I am in pain” and pain is the keyword you determined, the conversation you created will then trigger asking the participant about their pain.

Another addition to message scheduling is the ability to easily set your business, nights and weekend hours study wide. With this new feature your responses to participants can be different depending on your business hours schedule.

Variables will also be available in your text conversations, making it easy to personalize the messages for your participants!

Check out our user guide by clicking here to learn more!

Behind the Scenes

  • Use 'display' answer in data/survey variables rather than coded value

  • Post failures of individual worker jobs to sentry

  • Race Conditions for events

  • Backend behavior for standard (non-conversation) response actions

June 24, 2019

Highlights (6.6)

  • Get important data from Epic

  • Turn on and off patient messaging

  • Report compiling both incoming and outgoing participant messages

  • Inbox view of images only

  • Data dictionary for Way to Health survey builder

  • Incident and notifications tab are now in descending order

  • Participant’s can not enroll once a study is finished

Platform-Wide Updates

Get important data from Epic

We have better integrated with Epic in order to get your patient’s data into Way to Health. We now have access to admission, transfer, discharge and insurance data. This will allow you to build logic in W2H off of certain triggers and statuses in EPIC. An example of how to use this awesome new integration would be, when a patient is marked as discharged, W2H will automatically start them in the intervention.

Turn on and off patient messaging

We added a super useful new logic action that will allow you to stop and start a participants messaging based off of criteria you specify. You may be thinking, why would I ever want to do that? Well, say you have integrated with Epic and you are receiving both admission and discharge data, one of your patients is admitted and you want W2H to automatically silence their messaging for the entirety of their hospital stay. Once they are discharged and W2H receives that status update from Epic, their messaging can be automatically turned back on.

Report compiling both incoming and outgoing participant messages

Analyzing your bidirectional text messaging data just got a little bit easier. You now have access in both the manage data and reports tab to a compiled list of all text messages, ingoing and outgoing. This will make it easier to track conversations during data analysis.

Inbox view of images only

If you are using picture messaging in your intervention, you now have the ability to click a button in the sms inbox to allow you to see only the photos a participant sent in. This can help your track progress, compliance and manage your participant data better.

Data dictionary for Way to Health survey builder

We all know that data analysis can be a tedious process, so we want to make it as easy as possible for you! We have created a data dictionary for all of your W2H surveys. This can be found under the reports tab. Here you can see all of the coded questions and answers for your W2H surveys.

Incident and notifications tab are now in descending order

In a participant’s profile, both the incidents tab and the notifications tab will now list their data points from newest to oldest. This will allow you to see the most recent incidents more quickly!

Participant’s can not enroll once a study is finished

Once your study has met capacity and you would like to “finish” the entire intervention, we will block all participants from moving forward, regardless of what phase they are in the enrollment or intervention itself.

Behind the Scenes

  • When creating an enrollment step, the checkbox for allowing the step to be completed in Epic is now visible

  • Store raw_value for Epic appointment connector and clinstream visits connector

  • Add typehints to PennChartX ADT connector fields and provide typehinting to non-survey data sources

  • Refactor Event Scheduling to use “StudyUserEventBlocks”