PennChart (Epic) Embedded View of W2H

PennChart (Epic) Embedded View of W2H

You can view and enroll patients in Way to Health programs directly through our PennChart integration. To configure your program to enroll via the Epic embed, go to Turn on enrollment via the PennChart (Epic) embed.

In this guide you will learn to:

Accessing Way to Health through PennChart

To access Way to Health in PennChart, you will:

  • Select a patient's chart.

  • Click the last tab with the arrow along the top.

  • From that menu, select WAY TO HEALTH LINK.

The Way to Health screen will appear in a section on the right of the patient's chart:

On this page you see two options:

  • Get Access: PennChart users that do not have a Way to Health account setup. Any PennChart user can see basic information on a patient who is enrolled in a Way to Health program. They can enroll patients in programs that are public to any PennChart user such as COVID Watch.

  • Sign Into Way to Health: PennChart users that have previously accessed the Way to Health platform for a connected health program or research trial. PennChart users who login with Way to Health credentials will connect their PennChart account with their Way to Health account and not be asked to login again after this initial request. User will have access to view basic information on any patient who is enrolled in a Way to Health program. If the user also is a user on a specific program they can enroll and send messaging to the patient via the Way to Health - PennChart interface.

If you are a program administrator for a remote monitoring program, your users can bypass this screen by providing your W2H implementation lead with the name, email address, and Epic username for the staff person who will be enrolling patients into the W2H program.  Please note that if you create a new account from the main W2H portal (app.waytohealth.org) under Personnel and do not provide the Epic username, the staff person will need to first create a W2H username and password in the main W2H portal, then use those credentials in the screen above. If they click 'Read-Only Access' and do not have their Epic username linked, it will create a duplicate account.

If you are unsure, please visit www.support.waytohealth.org to submit a request for help.

Get Access

If you select Get Access, you will be taken to a page which shows:

  • Programs: A list of programs a patient can be or has been enrolled in.

  • Patient Profile: The Way to Health patient profile.

  • Alerts and Adherence: Displays incoming data for a Way to Health program.

  • Patient Inbox: Displays incoming and outgoing SMS messages for the Way to Health program.

  • Flowsheet Data: Displays incoming data that is ready to be reviewed and pushed to a flowsheet.

You can only VIEW this information.

If you would like access to enroll patients into a Way to Health program, you can click REQUEST ACCESS next to that program.

This will send a message to the program's manager who can choose to approve or deny the request. Until approval, you will see 'pending' next to that program. 

Enroll / Edit Access 

If you sign in with your Way to Health account, you will be taken to a page which shows:

  • Programs: A list of programs a patient can be or has been enrolled in.

  • Patient Profile: The Way to Health patient profile.

  • Alerts and Adherence: Displays incoming data for a Way to Health program.

  • Patient Inbox: Displays incoming and outgoing SMS messages for the Way to Health program.

  • Flowsheet Data: Displays incoming data that is ready to be reviewed and pushed to a flowsheet.

Like Read Only Access, you can view information for any program that patient is enrolled in. If you have access to a program, you will also be able to:

  • Enroll them in that program

  • Send them SMS messages

  • Approve flowsheet data

From here you can also REQUEST ACCESS to a program. This will send a message to the program's manager who can choose to approve or deny the request. Until approval, you will see 'pending' next to that program. 

Enroll a Patient in a Way to Health Program:

 1. Click ENROLL next to a program name in order to enroll a participant 

 Note: If you do not see the ENROLL button, you can click REQUEST ACCESS to send a message to the program manager requesting access for a specific program. You can also set the default to allow any PennChart user to enroll patients into the program(s). To do so, navigate to Advance Settings for the study on Way to Health, click the Epic Embed header and activate "Allow any Epic user to enroll in this program without program." 

2. If your intervention has been configured to RE-ENROLL participants, you will see the RE-ENROLL button appear here for participants that have completed one round of the intervention and need to to be started again in your program.

 Note: When you re-enroll a participant to the program, their start date will update to the new-enrollment date. If the program has a scheduled start date, their status will update to Ready and if the program has an auto start date, their status will update to Started. 


3. Once you click ENROLL, you will confirm the patient’s contact information.

The contact information will pull from the patient's PennChart record. Please note that if you update contact information here, it will only update on their Way to Health profile, not their contact information listed in their patient chart.

4. Click ENROLL and the participant will begin the enrollment process in the Way to Health program. You will see a green banner at the top of the Way to Health view confirming that the patient was enrolled.

5. If your intervention is set up to have a scheduled start date set upon enrollment, you will navigate to the Enrollment tab and choose the start date from the date picker. If it is set to auto start, the new re-enrollment date will re-trigger the events based on the new date. 

Views and Actions in Way to Health - PennChart Profile

Program Profile

  • View contact information and edit it as necessary. Please remember, if you update contact information in the Way to Health view, it will only update for Way to Health communication for that program, and not on the patient's chart.

Adherence/Data Snapshot

  • View a snapshot of a participants adherence (or data) to the Way to Health protocol. This can come in the form of incoming data from a device, or patient reported data via SMS. In the example below, the patient is sending in blood pressure readings through text message.


  • View and send SMS messages to the patient.

Flowsheet Data

  • View all data that is set up to be sent from Way to Health into a flowsheet in PennChart.

PennChart Integration Management

You can choose if you want your connected health program to display in a patient's chart in PennChart. This will:

  • Enable all PennChart users to have Read Only Access to Way to Health data. 

  • Enable PennChart users to request access to enroll in your program. 

  • Enable current Way to Health users to enroll patients directly from their chart in PennChart.

Setting up your study to be accessible in PennChart

  • Go to Manage Study > Settings > Advanced Settings

  • Scroll to the PennChart Integration section

  • Check the box "Allow users to view and enroll participants directly from PennChart"

  • You can also add a description that will be displayed in the PennChart view. This will display on the Programs tab of the patient's Way to Health view in PennChart.

  • Once you've set up your program to be accessible in PennChart, by default it will be accessible to those who have been approved by Project Managers.

    • If you want it to be accessible by any PennChart user, check the box "Make this program available to any PennChart user without approval from a Project Manager"

Approving and denying access requests

If someone requests access to enroll participants in a program directly from PennChart:

  • You will receive an email notification

  • In the Personnel tab under Manage Study you will see the request appear on the list of users

  • From there you can chose to:

    • Approve access by clicking the blue "check" button, OR

    • Deny access by the red "X" button

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