Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I change a participant’s status?

Participant statuses help indicate where in the flow of a project or study a participant account is, as well as what content they can access. For more detailed information on the different statuses, see the Participant Statuses page.

To change a participant’s status, click on the red “Edit Status” button on the general info tab of the participant view, and then select a new status from the drop-down:

Once you have selected the desired status, click the blue “Update” button.

How do I get staff access to a program?

Project Managers and Site Coordinators have access to invite new staff to a W2H program. Note: Site Coordinators can only invite other Site Coordinators and Providers.

To add new staff to a W2H program, navigate to the Manage Study drop-down and select Personnel.

Click on the “Invite Users” button which will open up a window to invite new staff:

First, start by typing in the staff member’s name.

  • If they already have a W2H account, they’ll appear in a dropdown and you can select their name. That will auto-populate email and username.

  • If they don’t have a W2H account, continue typing in their email. You can leave their username blank, W2H will auto-generate this for them.

Then, select a W2H role for the new staff:

  • Project Manage has full access to W2H

  • Research Coordinator can enroll patients and access data

  • Site Coordinators can manage personnel and patients

  • Statisticians can only access data

  • Providers can only manage patients

After selecting the role, check the checkbox at the bottom which ensures the new staff member has IRB-approval to view patient data or is clinical staff a part of the program. Then click the blue “Invite” button.

Staff should receive a welcome email and a set your password email. They’ll need to create their password as soon as possible because the password link will expire.

How do I edit a survey response after it is closed or completed?

Whether a survey is completed directly by the participant, or on the back end by project staff - mistakes happen. Fortunately, there are ways to edit or add responses after the event has closed.

To edit a survey response ONLY: First, navigate to the Manage Data drop-down and select the survey you want to edit.

Using the filters on the left side menu, filter for the participant whose survey you want to edit.

When you have identified the row containing the timestamped event you wish to edit, scroll all the way to the right. (Depending on how long the survey is, it may be a long scroll). When you reach the far right, click on the blue pencil icon to edit.

This will open the Edit Data view for this survey event. You can modify the responses as needed, and then click the blue “Save” button at the bottom. Note! You’ll need to enter something in the “incident” text field at the bottom in order to save the changes.

To reopen a survey so that you can re-complete it and re-run logic attached to it: First, navigate to the Manage Participants drop-down and select Events.

Filter for the participant in question and the event you wish to re-complete. When you have located the correct event, select it by clicking the checkbox at the front of the row:

Using the blue “Choose an action” drop-down, select “Reopen.” You will be redirected to this confirmation page. If you need the event logic to re-run, be SURE to select the “Reapply event logic” checkbox.

Now, you can navigate to the Events tab in the participant view and re-complete the survey.


How do I use ClinCard to pay my participants?

For a detailed overview of ClinCard integration, see the Automated Payments with ClinCard page.

Some key things to know about using ClinCard with Way to Health:

  • To successfully assign a ClinCard to a participant account, the profile for that account must have First Name, Last Name, Street Address 1, City, State, Zip, and DOB fields populated.

  • ClinCards can be assigned to an account by scrolling to the “ClinCard Information” section of the participant profile tab:

  • The token number is NOT the same as the card number. The token number can be found on the document to which the card is attached upon receipt from ClinCard. Entering the card number in this field will not work.

  • If you need to replace a participant’s ClinCard for any reason, you CANNOT do so by changing the token number on the participant profile. You must assign the new card to them via the Greenphire portal. Any further payments through W2H will be directed to the new card, regardless of the token number originally registered via W2H.

  • Transactions can be approved by navigating to Manage Participants > Transactions. Approved transactions usually become available on the card the following business day.

Why is this data event being marked non-compliant when the participant met their goal?

What is important to understand about device integrations is that W2H is not taking the data directly from the participant’s device. Instead, the data flows in from an API that draws on the device manufacturer’s website. What this means is that data has to flow (1) from the device to the connected mobile app, then (2) from the app to the manufacturer website, and then (3) from the website API into W2H. Data for devices like Fitbit is queried and pulled into W2H hourly, but there are a lot of places it can get stuck on its way there.

All of this is to say - sometimes data is just late!

When you’re looking at a participant’s adherence snapshot view, you might see that the step count for a given day is in compliance, but the color of the cell indicates noncompliance or late data. This usually indicates that, at the time the logic that evaluates compliance was run, the step count available to it was not in compliance. For example, look at the value for 1/21 below:

This participant’s step goal was 8800, which the value for 1/21 clearly meets. However, the cell is pink, which indicates noncompliance. To investigate further, look at the step collection event for that date by navigating to the events tab of the participant’s profile:

As you can see from the purple badge at the top left, this event was categorized as having late data. Look deeper by clicking the white “View Details” button and scrolling down to Event History:

From this ledger we can see the when the event logic originally ran at 5:33AM, the event was noncompliant. But then, new data came in at 8:18AM - well after the compliance logic had run - and updated the total step count. It doesn’t change their compliance status, but it does make it APPEAR as though the participant was in compliance.

Why does this participant data variable have a different value than I expected?

For a detailed overview of Participant Data Variable configuration and functionality, see the Participant Data Variable page.

Formula and Participant Data variables are auto-populated and cannot be manually updated. If the value it calculates deviates in some way from what you would expect based on the data, you can check the configuration of the variable to see if something is amiss. Using the Manage Study drop-down, select “Variables”:

Locate the Participant Data variable, and click on the blue pencil icon. This will open the variable configuration page:

This page can give you more information about which datapoints the variable is selecting, what time frame it is looking at, etc. If you are still having trouble identifying an issue, feel free to submit a ticket to the help desk.

What are the password complexity requirements for participants using the participant portal?

During account creation, participants must come up with a complex password. There is a bar along the bottom of the password field, and when criteria is met, it will turn green. It can feel a little like a black box to participants, however, because it does not provide specific criteria to be met (e.g. One upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number, etc.).

This is because W2H uses the zxcvbn library, a popular tool that checks the entropy and strength of a given password. It recognizes and weighs over 30,000 common passwords, names, sequences and much more. It is an algorithmic alternative to password composition policy. It is more secure and considered the gold standard.


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