Integration options with Epic

In order to streamline workflows for clinical teams, W2H has a menu of tools and solutions that allow for information to flow into and from Penn Medicine’s instance of Epic known as PennChart. W2H also has some of these same integrations available with Lancaster General Hospital (LGH)'s instance of Epic.

Out-of-the-box solutions

Out-of-the-box solutions are configurable by your implementation lead. This may require your team to work with an Epic analyst to build a new in-basket pool or flowsheet if one does not already exist.

Tool / Feature


Available in

Tool / Feature


Available in

Embedded view of W2H in Epic

PennChart (Epic) Embedded View of W2H

PennChart and LGH

Validating patient profile information from Epic

Epic Fields and Validation

PennChart and LGH

Pushing alerts to an In-Basket Pool

Incident Notification Groups

PennChart and LGH

Pushing images from W2H into Media Tab

Discuss with implementation lead

See MIRTH-77 - Getting issue details... STATUS


approval required

Pulling Admission, Discharge, and Transfer (ADT) data from Epic into W2H

PennChartX: Admission, Discharge, Transfer (ADT) data feed


Custom solutions

Custom solutions require a scope of work and in many cases an Epic analyst assigned to your department who can help define inclusive and exclusion criteria such as CPT codes for a specific type of surgery or appointment.

Tool / Feature


Available in

Tool / Feature


Available in

Pushing W2H data as a Smart Data Element

Discuss with implementation lead


approval required

Pulling Appointment data from Epic into W2H

For example, triggering messaging in W2H off of a specific type of surgery or appointment


Pulling Lab data from Epic into W2H

For example, providing results for specific type of test, such as a COVID-19 test


approval required: Will require approval from Penn Medicine’s Epic Governance. Each department should have an Epic governance lead.