September 21, 2018


  • Slide to the Left, Slide to the Right
  • SMS Inbox Added to Triage View
  • Configuring Randomization 
  • Way to Health Survey Editor Update
  • Time Zone Display 

Platform-Wide Updates

Slide to the Left, Slide to the Right

We added a sliding scale question type to our survey builder. It is customizable and mobile friendly!

SMS Inbox Added to Triage View

The SMS inbox has been added to the triage view. This will allow you to send messages quickly to participants with actionable incidents.

Configuring Randomization

Configuring randomization is now editable on the arm configuration settings page as well as on the study arms page. This is a safeguard for when you create a new arm after participants have already been randomized. The new arm will have a weight of 0 upon creation and no patients will be randomized into it until you manually change the randomization settings. 

Speeding up Loading Times with Surveys

The Survey Builder is now it's own page. This makes loading faster and editing easier. Two birds with one stone kinda deal. Boom.


Time Zone Display

The time zone you choose for a participant will now display in the SMS inbox, and all text messaging will be shown in their time zone. No more confusion about what time it is for your participant! 


Behind the Scenes

Evaluating Based on Variables

Variable values can now be used in "if" statements. As an example, you can ....

Comparing Participant Data to Variables 

You can currently compare participant data that has attached to a Event to a target or fixed variable. But now, you also have the ability to also compare that data to a variable value.