March 5, 2020

Release Notes (9.1)

Spring is in the air, and we’ve got a few delightful enhancements to share with you.

“Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.”

Not that we condone procrastination, but life is busy! Now partial survey responses will be saved. Participants can leave and come back to respond to surveys any time within the scheduled window for that survey. The same is true for surveys completed by staff in the administrative portal.

Important note: If your study design has logic built off of survey responses that require full completion of the survey, you may need to add an additional criteria of completion. Reach out to the help desk if you are unsure or have questions.

Do more with dates.

(No, wait, not that kind!)

Now you can:

  • Send customized dates to participants in messaging such as an appointment, or a date calculated from the participant’s start in the intervention.

  • Schedule messaging and surveys based on these participant-specific dates. For example, sending messaging based on a smoking quit date.

  • Automatically set or update participant-specific dates based on the evaluation of incoming data. This can be useful for extending a program, such as giving the participant a second chance to achieve a healthy behavior.

Learn more on how to use Date Variables here.


  • When a participant is marked as ineligible, declined or unenrolled, no further messaging will be send to them that was defined in that same logic set.