This will create a table named “transactions_[study_name]" when turned on. These are all values that are stored in Way to Health related to transactions.
Column | Description | Example Data |
transaction_id | The ID of the transaction | 123 |
study_id | The ID of the study | 999 |
study_name | The Name of the study | Three Nine Study |
participant_id | The ID of the participant | 11 |
arm_id | The ID of the arm the participant has been randomized. It will be blank if the participant has not been randomized. | 44 |
external_id | An ID that identifies the participant in some other system. If one is not on the participant record, it will be blank. | ABCD1234 |
access_group | If the study uses access groups, this will display the groups the participant is in. | Group 456 |
start_date | The date the participant has been randomized. If the participant has not been randomized, this field will be blank. | 2022-05-26 16:22:00 |
status | The current status of the participant. | Can be one of the following:
encounter_name | The name of the encounter that triggered the transaction. If there was no encounter, this will be blank. | RC Lab Results Entry |
encounter_date | The date the encounter started. | 2022-04-01 10:10:00 |
amount | The amount of the transaction. | 45 |
processed | Has the transaction been processed. | True/False |
approved | Has the transaction been approved. | True/False |
comments | Any comments about the transaction. This will be a JSON blob. | [{"message":"Transaction Approved","note":"Approved by","username":"some_user","user_id":"123456","time":"2022-05-13 09:24:28"}] |
has_error | Does the transaction have any errors | True/False |
is_manual | Was the transaction generated by study staff | True/False |
transaction_created_at | Date and Time for when the transaction was created. | 2022-05-12 09:25:38 |
payment_type | Displays what kind of payment this was | Check/Clincard/Manual |
check_number | If payment was done with a check, the check number is displayed. Blank otherwise. | 1221 |
payment_created_at | The date and time the payment was made. | 2022-05-12 09:25:38 |
payment_status | The status of the payment. | Can be one of: