Voice Call
Column | Description | Example Data |
voice_call_id | The ID of the voice call | 123 |
study_id | The ID of the study | 999 |
study_name | The Name of the study | Three Nine Study |
participant_id | The ID of the participant | 11 |
arm_id | The ID of the arm the participant has been randomized. It will be blank if the participant has not been randomized. | 44 |
external_id | An ID that identifies the participant in some other system. If one is not on the participant record, it will be blank. | ABCD1234 |
access_group | If the study uses access groups, this will display the groups the participant is in. | Group 456 |
start_date | The date the participant has been randomized. If the participant has not been randomized, this field will be blank. | 2022-05-26 16:22:00 |
participant_status | The current status of the participant. | Can be one of the following:
conversation_id | The id of the conversation if the call is linked to one. | 112345 |
SID | Unique identifier for the voice call | qwerty123456789asdfgh7890 |
direction | The direction of the voice call | Can be one of the following: * outbound-api
duration | Number of seconds the call lasted | 13 |
start_time | Time the voice call started | 00:00:00 |
end_time | Time the voice call ended (hangup) | 23:59:59 |
from_number | The phone number where the voice call originated | +19998887777 |
to_number | The phone number receiving the voice call | +10001112222 |
price | Cost of the voice call | $0.33 |
voice_call_status | The current status of the voice call | Can be one of the following:
created_at | TIMESTAMP when record is created | 2021-03-26 18:05:13 |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP when record is updated | 2021-03-26 18:05:15 |
answered_by | What answered the voice call? | Can be one of the following