Turn on enrollment via the PennChart (Epic) embed

Turn on enrollment via the PennChart (Epic) embed

From Study Settings > Advanced, select Epic Embed.

From this view you can:

  • Make the program visible in the embedded view and add a description of the program. Once this is toggled on, all Epic users can see the program. Only users added to Personnel for the program will be able to enroll.

    • Special exception can be made by toggling on the “allow any Epic user to enroll in this program without approval”. When toggled on, all Epic users can enroll. This requires approval from Way to Health leadership.

  • Allow participants to be re-enrolled: This allows users to re-enroll patients who have been previously unenrolled or who have finished the program.

  • Allow participants to be unenrolled: This allows all users who have access to enroll in the program, the option to unenroll from the embedded view.

    • You can also send a one time text message to the patient and generate an incident.

  • Write program status to Smart Data Element: If toggled on, you can enter the SDE ID. This is used in programs such as COVID Watch to communicate status on the patient’s chart in Epic without needing to navigate to the W2H embedded view.

Re-enrolling patients

When toggling on this feature, there are some key processes to understand to ensure your program is configured correctly.

When a patient is re-enrolled the following occurs:

  • They do not run through enrollment steps again. Their status reverts back to ‘Started’ if the Arm is set to Auto. If the Arm is set to Manual or Scheduled start, they patient will be put in a status of ‘Ready’. In most cases, you will want to configure your program to Auto start.

  • All variable history will be cleared from the previous enrollment

  • All previous event blocks will be archived (soft deleted; accessible to W2H admins).