Epic Alerts (PennChart)

Epic Alerts (PennChart)

Way to Health can push alerts directly to PennChart. This feature requires coordination and a build with Corporate IS.


Under Advanced Settings, you can enable Epic Alerts by completing the form with requested information from Corporate IS. You can create template language for the default message and comment. You can set the results to show as normal or abnormal.

Sending alerts to PennChart

Once you turn on Epic alerts in Advanced Settings, you will now have a new menu item under Manage Participants. 

You can create a new Alert Message and it will pre-load with the template language set on Advanced Settings.

When you have completed the bottom of the form, you can select a status of 'Ready' to indicate that it is ready to send to Epic. Depending on the Epic build, it will be routed to a location with Epic within the next few minutes. In prior builds, the alert has been routed as a result in the Procedures tab in PennChart. 

Once Way to Health sends over the alert, it will display as Processed in the list view on the prior screen.