Epic Flowsheet Integration (PennChart)
Initial Integration Set-Up
Navigate to advanced study settings
Scroll to the bottom of the page and turn on Epic Flowsheet integration by clicking the check box
Click save
An extra menu item should now show up under Manage Study: Epic Flowsheet Mapping
Navigate into EPIC Flowsheet Mapping
Create a "New EPIC Flowsheet Mapping" using the following data. In Epic, this flowsheet is: UPHS AMB WTH BLOOD PRESSURE [347]
For the source, use the data source that has the BP question you want to send to flowsheets
Then enter in the following information (there should be 3 flowsheet mappings per BP question):
Formatted blood pressure:
Field = questionID/formatted_blood_pressure
Flowsheet ID = 21000110
Flowsheet Template ID = 21000111
Field = questionID/systolic
Flowsheet ID = 21000112
Flowsheet Template ID = 21000111
Field = questionID/diastolic
Flowsheet ID = 21000113
Flowsheet Template ID = 21000111
Approval Required (default is true)
When set to true (default value) data will need to be approved from manage data before being sent to EPIC flowsheets
When set to false data will automatically be sent to EPIC flowsheets without needing approval
In order to prevent issues all flowsheet mappings for a given data source need to have the same value for this field
If one mapping has a true value and another has a false the data will be sent to the flowsheet that has a false value and the form submission's epic status will be updated to sent (even though the mapping that required approval was not actually sent)
This will cause headaches and confusion so don't do it. As discussed on the Merge Request if it becomes an issue we will address it in the future.
Once completed; Manage Data (for this device) should now have a column for "Epic Status"
Sending Data to EPIC Flowsheet
Open an encounter (e.g., orders only, telephone) in the patient's chart in EPIC. Copy the CSN from this encounter and paste it into their CSN profile field in W2H. Alternately, if the encounter is already open in the Encounter view when the W2H EPIC Embed is launched, W2H should be able to pick up the CSN automatically. This is true for Encounter view only. This linkage enables you to send flowsheet data to EPIC.
To find the CSN manually, have the encounter open and hover over the participant name/image section on the top left of the chart. This should generate a hover pop-up that lists the CSN.
Telephone encounters will automatically close after 7 days
Orders Only encounters will stay open for 90 days. Also, they do not have to be signed in order for the data to start flowing into EPIC. They WILL need to be signed, but it is important to let the signing physician know that they should sign the order, but not close the encounter.
When approval is required (default setting)
Navigate to the Manage Data Page for the Data Source that is integrated with an EPIC Flowsheet
You will see a list of all data entries for each participant
You can chose individually or chose all from this list to send their data to EPIC
You can chose a participant(s) by checking the box near their data entry
Once you have checked all of the data entries to be sent to the EPIC Flowsheet
Navigate to the top of the page
Click the blue button that says "CHOOSE AN ACTION"
On the dropdown menu that appears, click "SEND TO EPIC"
This will queue all of the data to be sent to EPIC
The selected data will appear in the EPIC Flowsheet within 5 minutes
When approval is not required (See WTH-5762)
Data will automatically be sent to EPIC after it has been received within Way to Health (should appear in the EPIC flowsheet within 5 minutes)
If you try to send a data point(s) to EPIC and it fails, you will receive the incident below:
Incident type: Software" and text is "EPIC FAIL: A row of data fails to submit to the epic flowsheet."