Troubleshooting "Epic Fail" Software Alert for failed flowsheet submission

The W2H development team sees this in the details: “CONTACT_IS_INVALID details: The contact found with the patient ID and DAT was invalid.”

When you see a Software Incident: “EPIC FAIL: A row of data fails to submit to the epic flowsheet” it means the data did not send from Way to Health into the Epic flowsheet. This error can be the result of a typo or a closed encounter. In most cases that we’ve found, it is due to a closed encounter. Here is a guide to help you troubleshoot this error message.

Step 1: Using Encounter view in Epic

  • Look in Encounter view. They probably would have used an Orders Only encounter, so look for one that pattern-matches with that. Unfortunately, CSN is often pretty invisible in this view so there’s some guessing involved.

  • Make sure you uncheck “Hide Addl Visits”

  • The right-most column in that view shows encounter status. If it says “Signed”, that means closed. You might also see some notes in the encounter that the clinician left when signing it.

Step 2: Using record viewer

If you have access to Record Viewer: (If not, you can request it through an IS ticket)

  1. Open Record Viewer

  2. Enter EPT (which means the patient table), and then the MRN in the ID box.

  3. You’ll need to figure out which Contact is the one with the CSN you’re looking for. CSN is like the 3rd row from the top, so just keep selecting Encounters and letting the page load until you find the contact with the right CSN.

  4. Cmd-F, search for “Visit”. You should find something like this: