Manual Entry of Device Data

Manual Entry of Device Data

If your study or clinical project collects data from devices such as a wireless scale, pedometer, or blood pressure cuff, there may be times when a participant's data does not transmit to the platform. This can be the result of participant error, late device sync, or a lag time with device data getting from the device vendor to WTH. This "Add Data" feature will allow you the option of manually entering in device data on a participant's record.

Set up your device to accept manual entry

Navigate to Manage Study > Data Sources > Select a Device

  1. On the device record, select "Yes" for 'Allow manual data entry by project staff' field:

Add data

  1. Select a participant, then click 'Add Data' to add manual data. 
  2. Select device, enter the date/time, and enter the data (steps, weight, etc.). Hit Save.
  3. You will return to the participant profile with a notification that the data has been save.
  4. You can also view and edit your data from the Manage Data section. Once in Manage Data, select filters to find the data you want to review. 

  5. You then need to make sure the data attaches to an event before you can re-run logic. To do so, click the pencil icon next to the data entry you manually added under Manage Data. Choose an event under Attached to event and click Save.
  6. You can then see this in Manage Data for that device that their is now an event attached to that data.
  7. You can then re-run event logic on this newly added data by going to Manage Participants–> Events. Filter for that event and participant. Select the event and choose Re-Run Event Logic under Choose an Action.


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