Upload a List of Participants

Upload a List of Participants

There are many ways to create participant records in Way to Health. This how-to guide will explain how to upload a list of participants from a CSV file.

Enable "Upload of Participants" feature

Upload a List of Participants | Upload a list of participants


Column Headers for participant fields are:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email Address

  • Username

  • External ID

  • Cell Phone

  • Home Phone

  • Work Phone

  • Date of Birth (format YYYY-MM-DD)

  • Street Address

  • Street Address 2

  • City

  • State Region (ex: PA, NJ)

  • Postal Code

  • Time Zone (ex: -5.0, -6.0)

  • Social Security Number (format XXX-XX-XXXX)

  • Clincard Number

  • MRN

You can also add/update variable values. Simply add a column with the variable name as the header. The column header and values are not case sensitive. For example, for the list variable “location” with the options PAH, PPMC and HUP, W2H will accept an input of “Location” or “LOCATION” as well as “HUP” or “hup”.



Enable “Upload of Participants” feature

  1. Navigate to Manage Study > Settings.

  2. Click the “Advanced” button. (This button is only available to Project Manager role).


  3. Select “Participant Upload” from the side navigation.


  4. Check “Enabled” and select the unique identifier from the dropdown. This is the field that must be present in your upload to determine whether to create or update a participant’s record in Way to Health.

Note: email address and username must be unique for users across the W2H platform independent of the participant upload unique identifier. Accordingly, if you try to upload a participant with an email address that already belongs to an active W2H participant or personnel, it will fail, even if the unique identifier set for participant upload is not email address.


  1. Click “Save”.

    1. NOTE: You will need to configure the required participant profile fields under “Manage Participants” and ALSO “Enrollment” to match the fields and unique ide