NLU Messaging Triggers

NLU Messaging Triggers

The NLU Intent Analysis trigger type allows the platform to pass an incoming message to one of our NLU providers to try and determine the “intent” if the message.

We currently support 2 NLU providers:

When setting up an NLU intent trigger:

  1. Select the NLU provider:

  2. Select the Application from the dropdown

  3. Select the Intent from the Intent dropdown

  4. Add a Confidence threshold that the intent has to beat to activate the trigger. This should be a decimal value between 0 and 1.

The dropdowns are pulled behind the scenes from the NLU providers live, so there’s a chance they’ll fail. When this happens, the dropdowns will just display as text boxes. If the trigger needs to be set up urgently and can’t wait for the issue to be fixed, here is where to find the needed information for each provider:

  • CLU:

    • “CLU Application” is the name of the project - “w2h-nlu-yes-no”, “wth-nlu-ehtn”, etc

    • “Intent” is the name of the intent in the Schema definition tab of a project - “Utilities.Yes”, “Utilities.No”, “bp_reporting”, etc

  • LUIS:

    • “LUIS Application” is the App ID from the “Manage” tab on a LUIS application

    • “Intent” is the name of the intent in the Build/Intends tab of a project - “Utilities.Yes”, “Utilities.No”, “bp_reporting”, etc