Diet ID

Diet ID is a survey-type assessment tool used to gather information about a participant’s diet preferences/habits.

Way to Health has a rudimentary Diet ID integration - it can be used to send a participant a link to an assessment and track whether an assessment is completed, but the full data from the assessment should be received separately from Diet ID. In the Diet ID data, the “partner user ID” is the Way to Health participant ID.

  • When a participant account is created, we request a login link (SSO) from the Diet ID API

  • That login link is stored in a variable, and it can be sent out to a participant

  • There is a Manage Data feed for Diet ID, and enrollment steps or events can be set up to be completed when the assessment is completed.

Build setup

To set up Diet ID for a Way to Health study:

  1. Create a Text-Based Variable. Call it something like “Diet ID link”

  2. Set up a Diet ID device.

    1. Generate an API key using a Random String Generator. Put that API key on the device setup, and include it in the info you send to Diet ID. (The API key is a “password” of sorts, which is used to authenticate that data we receive is actually coming from Diet ID.)

    2. Link the device to the variable created in Step 1

  3. Email Diet ID (Emily Barrett <> is the product manager) asking them to configure the webhook on their end. They will need the API key generated in step 2a, and the URL shown on the device setup page. A sample email is included on the device setup page.

  4. Enrollment: (This is one possible setup - the way you set this up may differ based on the study protocol)

    1. Add a Logic Enrollment Step which sends out the {{@diet id link}} variable. This could also be included as part of a previous survey step.

    2. Add a Data Upload enrollment step with Source=the diet ID device created in step 2. This step should get completed as soon as we receive Diet ID data.